Tips & Techniques

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#1 Tips on Research in Conscientiology

Eduardo Vicenzi

Objective: To help you find your research identity

Self-Clarification Activity:

Following are some questions that relate to The Bridge – Writers #1. If you would like to, answer the questions in relation to a writing project you are working on or are planning. When completed, please post the answers to the group in a New Post in the Discussion so we can all benefit from seeing your process.

Questions to Answer to Increase Clarity About a Writing Project (Based on this Presentation):

  1. What is my main question – when I transform my topic into a question that I will answer, what is that question?
  2. What are the criteria I am using to choose / prioritize my topic?
  3. What are the limits I have placed on my scope? Put a clear limit on your research scope.
  4. What is my intentionality – conscious and unconscious?
  5. Who is my audience?
  6. What writing style and language will work best?
  7. How do I plan to do my research? What type of research will be best?
  8. What are the main obstacles I face to achieving my writing projects?
  9. Do I experience lack of confidence? How can I become a more confident writer?
  10. Have I had trouble maintaining focus on the writing over time? Have I experienced getting distracted and taking care of other responsibilities and getting off track? How can I maintain my focus and not get distracted?
  11. What are some things that characterize writing in the consciential paradigm, that don’t necessarily apply when writing in other areas/topics? How will these affect what I am writing?


What kind of difficulties do we have to handle when doing a writing project?

Common Obstacles

Consciential Research Characteristics

Assistance Cycle – Clarification Task

Main Questions:

  1. Why do I want to write a book?

Intentionality – get to understand your intentionality better

  1. How do I choose the research topic?
  2. How do I do the research?

Main Types of Research (7 Types)

Research Tips

  1. How can I write it?